Tuesday, December 11, 2007

One Link at a Time

Recently I visited a PREP4Kids class in Beaverton for Fir Grove Elementary. There are about 16 kids that attend this class on a regular basis. A few of the girls were telling me how they heard about PREP.
"I came last year, and I invited her,"said Morgan, pointing to Sarena.

"Yeah, " said Sarena, "and then I invited McKenzie," she added, motioning to another friend.

McKenzie piped up,"And then I invited Jessica!" Jessica told me she had never heard of PREP before.

How do PREP4Kids classes grow? One person at a time!

One child invites another, who invites another, and before you know it, the chain gets longer, classes get bigger, and more kids get to hear about Jesus during their public school day.

What about you? Could you tell one person about PREP, who could then tell another? Let's grow this ministry one link at a time!

My name is Angela Toyer, and I'm the Westside Area Director for PREP4Kids. Look for future updates from me as I visit kids in PREP classes and share their stories.

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